LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - json.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 19 19 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-25 19:42:35 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /**
       2             :  *    @file  json.c
       3             :  *   @brief  Wrapper around cJSON library with helpers
       4             :  *
       5             :  *  This library is only a simple wrapper around the cJSON library, providing
       6             :  *  helper functions.
       7             :  *
       8             :  *  @author  François Cerbelle (Fanfan),
       9             :  *
      10             :  *  @internal
      11             :  *       Created:  29/10/2024
      12             :  *      Revision:  none
      13             :  * Last modified:  2024-11-05 19:02
      14             :  *      Compiler:  gcc
      15             :  *  Organization:
      16             :  *     Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2024, François Cerbelle
      17             :  *
      18             :  *  This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the
      19             :  *  GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
      20             :  */
      21             : 
      22             : #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
      23             : #include "config.h"
      24             : #endif
      25             : 
      26             : #include "json.h"
      27             : #include <stdio.h>
      28             : #include <stdlib.h>
      29             : #include <string.h>
      30             : 
      31         168 : char* json2text(cJSON* value_json) {
      32             :     char* retval;
      33         168 :     if (cJSON_IsNull(value_json))
      34           3 :         retval = strdup("null");
      35         165 :     else if (cJSON_IsString(value_json))
      36         138 :         retval = strdup(value_json->valuestring);
      37          27 :     else if (cJSON_IsNumber(value_json)) {
      38           3 :         retval = (char*)malloc(20);
      39           3 :         if (retval)
      40           3 :             snprintf(retval,20,"%d",value_json->valueint);
      41          24 :     } else if (cJSON_IsBool(value_json)) {
      42           6 :         if (cJSON_IsTrue(value_json))
      43           3 :             retval = strdup("true");
      44             :         else
      45           3 :             retval = strdup("false");
      46          18 :     } else if (cJSON_IsArray(value_json)) {
      47           3 :         retval = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(value_json);
      48          15 :     } else if (cJSON_IsObject(value_json)) {
      49           6 :         retval = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(value_json);
      50             :     } else
      51           9 :         retval = strdup("Invalid data");
      52         168 :     return retval;
      53             : }
      54             : 
      55             : /* vim: set tw=80: */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16